Flurgasse 28-B / 7.Stock / Tür 22
A - 8010 - GRAZ
Tel: 0043 - 0664 - 7677862

Outline of my first website-exercise:

Today I try to develop my first website - with a lot of patience and exercise-
advice - by means of the "code keys” in such a way that I can keep some positive
aspects for a long while and I could complete and develop my knowledge to become
a perfect and independent web-designer with some time.

Remarks to the code keys:

The command/tag for the starting is marked with "html” –
the end with a diagonal stroke "/” before the command – so that the page can be closed

The head of the page ("head”) is marked with "title” at the
beginning and with a diagonal stroke "/” at the end, so that the title
of the page can be seen. The head is signalized with "head” – the end with the diagonal stroke
"/” before the expression "head” (="/head”), so that the head can be closed
- in the same procedure as above with the starting.

The body, the main part of the website, is marked with "body” –
the end as the start and the head with a diagonal stroke "/”, so the
body of the website can be closed. .

The body of the website is marked at the beginning
of the text with "i” = italic or "b” = bold and at the end of each
line with the diagonal stroke "/” before the marking so the
format of the line can be finished.

The background-color of the website is marked in the "body” with "bgcolor” and colors "green” or "red”, "blue”, "violet” and the writing with "text” and with a color in an aimed contrast to the background and at the end of each change of the letters with the diagonal stroke "/” before the type and the color, so the change is recognized.

For a change of the degree of the type the command "font” and a size form "2” to "7” is needed and at the end it's always finished with the diagonal stroke "/” before the command.

